For those of you new to our little part of the planet, welcome to Michaels Aviation Photography

Introducing Michael’s Aviation Photography: Your premier destination for captivating aerial imagery and exhilarating aviation content. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for flight, Michael captures the essence of aviation through stunning photography showcased on Delve into the dynamic world of aviation through Michael’s lens, where every shot tells a story of power, precision, and unparalleled beauty. Embark on a visual journey through the skies, from majestic aircraft in flight to breathtaking aerial landscapes. Elevate your aviation experience with Michael’s Aviation 5 x 5 on YouTube, where engaging videos bring the thrill of flight to life. Connect with fellow aviation enthusiasts and share your passion on Michael’s Aviation Photography Facebook page. Whether you’re a seasoned aviator or an admirer of the skies, Michael’s Aviation Photography invites you to explore, experience, and embrace the wonder of flight like never before.

The Erickson Collection F8F Bearcat

The Grumman F8F Bearcat was a carrier-based fighter aircraft developed during World War II to succeed the F6F Hellcat. Powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp radial engine, the Bearcat was known for its exceptional speed and climb rate. Its lightweight airframe and powerful engine gave it impressive maneuverability, making it well-suited for dogfighting. Armed with four .50 caliber Browning M2 machine guns mounted in the wings, the Bearcat was a formidable opponent against enemy aircraft. Although it entered service late in World War II, the Bearcat saw limited combat action in the Pacific theater and performed admirably. After the war, it continued to serve with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, as well as other countries. The Bearcat gained fame in the post-war years as a competitive air racing aircraft, setting several speed records and winning numerous races. Despite its relatively short operational service life, the F8F Bearcat is remembered as one of the finest piston-engine fighters ever built, with a lasting legacy in naval aviation history.

History of The Bf-109

Development: The Bf-109’s development began in the mid-1930s, and it first flew in 1935. It was originally designed as a single-seat, monoplane fighter.

Variants: Numerous variants of the Bf-109 were produced throughout the war, each with improvements in speed, armament, and other features. Some notable variants include the Bf-109E, Bf-109F, and Bf-109G. Emile, Franz and Gustaf respectively. 😉

Role in WWII: The Bf-109 played a crucial role in the early stages of World War II, especially during the Battle of Britain. It was the primary fighter aircraft of the German Luftwaffe and saw action on multiple fronts. Absorbing many duties it wasn’t intended for, it truly was a masterpiece, to fly it you will feel it being very deliberate.

Performance: The Bf-109 was known for its excellent speed, agility, and climb rate. It was armed with machine guns and later versions included cannons for increased firepower. All versions were truly lethal and ahead of the curve at the beginnings of war.

Adaptability: The Bf-109 demonstrated adaptability, serving in various roles such as interceptor, bomber escort, and ground-attack aircraft. It remained in service throughout the war, evolving to meet changing combat demands.

Notable Aces: Many German fighter aces, such as Erich Hartmann and Adolf Galland, achieved significant success flying the Bf-109. The image above is In Gallands Livery.

Post-War Use: After World War II, some countries continued to use captured or acquired Bf-109s. The design itself was license to Spain, into which they created the bouchon. A not very noteworthy adoption in my humble opinion ,,The 109 design and the aircraft itself could not be helped to have been a large influence in later designs and had a lasting impact on aviation.

The Bf-109’s longevity and versatility contribute to its status as one of the most recognizable and historically significant fighter planes of World War II.

What does AI have to say about Michaels ?

Michael’s Aviation Photography is a renowned photography company specializing in capturing stunning images of aircraft and aviation-related subjects. The company was founded by Michael, a passionate aviation enthusiast and skilled photographer.

Michael’s Aviation Photography offers a wide range of services, including air-to-air photography, ground-based photography, aerial photography, and event coverage. They have extensive experience working with various types of aircraft, from commercial airliners to military jets and vintage planes.

The company’s portfolio showcases breathtaking images that capture the beauty and power of aircraft in flight. They have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of aviation, allowing them to capture unique and captivating shots.

In addition to their photography services, Michael’s Aviation Photography also provides image licensing for commercial use, allowing businesses in the aviation industry to enhance their marketing materials with high-quality aviation images.

Whether it’s capturing the elegance of a commercial airliner, the agility of a fighter jet, or the nostalgia of a vintage aircraft, Michael’s Aviation Photography is dedicated to delivering exceptional photography that showcases the art and excitement of aviation.

A Docent to Living History

Just an observation I have often while tending our unique pieces of flying History of over a Dozen Aircraft, people ask me sometimes what drives me personally. This has perfected over time but to describe it “ to me it is as if to shake hands” to the men and women who pioneered our aviation world today, all of the men and women who flew them and those who kept them in the air throughout history,, my nod to them so to speak, Hallowed ground.

From Demise To Rise, “Impatient Virgin”

This was a great off the Hip shoot while IP’s mechanic Russell Doucet ads a little Flavor to Her Story for Future Docents. Each of the Aircraft contained within the Historic Flight Collection are maintained, Airworthy and Current, with equally interesting Stories from 1927 and 1957.

Docent To Historic Flight

I sure enjoy this, today I met and hosted one of our own local hero’s, a very Spry 82 year old Navigator from Fairchild, to his credit missions on the famous B-52 and so many others, He and his siblings of 81 and 80 in tow for a tour. Fabulous people with many stories of Fairchild as well as thier later careers with North American and then Rockwell Aviation,. spent a lot of time with them, As I bid them safe journeys,on their heals my next couple on station , both pilots, her…

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Historic Flights B-25 Grumpy

2022 Felt Field Neighborhood Day

Once a year in the spring, Felts Field opens its doors and aprons to the general public. This year being no exception, and the first full year Without Covid restrictions, allowing Felts fields most recent large tenant “Historic Flight” to showcase their collection to the general public of Spokane. With great demonstration flights from both of the collections B 25 Grumpy as well as the Pan-American C 47 , the public just loved it! Helicopter rides were to be had along with many great displays, from historic aircraft to hands on displays for all ages.. and great food to boot!! It is always my hometown kickoff to my shooting season, even though Skyfest pre dated the itinerary this year. great fun!