SkyFest 2022

Fairchild AFB as always , rolled out the red carpet for its neighbors in SkyFest 2022, after a long hiatus due to Covid I think the entire city was ready for airshow! And boy did the airshow come to Spokane. The talent lined up this year was outstanding! Of course the Always amazing Thunderbird demonstration team rocked our world all week.. The roster was deep, the navy’s F/18 demonstration was over the top Solid. McChord and Travis bases brought their C17 teams and our base over the mountain McChord Really hung it out there demonstrating its capabilities.

Shot all three days with different missions, i think friday was my favorite, the end of runway shooting arrival and team practices. That being said i was dreaded leading up to it, but i Found that live broadcasting wasn’t so bad and i would indeed be able to speak for 45 minutes without too many pregnant pauses.

Sunday, that was my son Bens day, and his first ever day shooting with his own camera, i handed down my Fuji to him, the eyes of Ben story that came out of the day was priceless, he had his share of tossers but he also shot some very enviable shots!

Well next official stop will be Moses Lake Air show and then back to Felts Field for neighbor days.

fair winds and blue skys (with a few clouds for texture) to you all 🙂

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